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- Request A Program | Sex Out Loud | Madison
Our programs include a mix of interactive activities, guided group discussion, and presentation by trained peer facilitators. Typically, programs last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes. REQUEST A PROGRAM All programs offered both virtually and in person. Our programs include a mix of interactive activities, guided group discussion, and presentation by trained peer facilitators. Typically, programs last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes, but we are happy to change the duration or modify the content with advanced notice. IF YOU ARE SEEKING TO REQUEST A SEX OUT LOUD PROGRAM, PLEASE CLICK Programs are scheduled during Sunday staff meetings! Depending on when your request is submitted, it may take up to ONE WEEK for a confirmation. Please plan accordingly with dates & times requested. Here Got more questions? Email Ethical Porn Safer Sex Adv. Pleasure Accessibly Sexy Birth Control Pleasure Sex Jeopardy Lgbtq + Adv. Sex Jeopardy Greek Life Sexability Kink Sex and Healing HIV Bootcamp Masturbation Healthy Relationships Descriptions ETHICAL PORN (NEW) 90 Minutes Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Break down common assumptions/critiques of porn Understand what porn is and the key differences between ethical and mainstream porn Identify how fetishization and a lack of consent are perpetuated in mainstream pornography and challenge these ideas Practice media literacy with a focus on pornography in identifying how categories and visuals contribute to our viewing experience Challenge typical sexual scripts depicted in pornography SAFER SEX 90 Minutes Discussion and resource referral pertaining to sexual assault on UW campus Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Defining consent Interactive activities for bystander intervention Identifying and de-stigmatizing STIS STIs: testing & treatment activities Introduction to unplanned pregnancy and HIV ADVANCED PLEASURE 90 Minutes Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Science of sex positions Sex toys and how to use them Thinking outside the box in our sexual lives Communication tips & tricks for partners ACCESSIBLY SEXY 90 Minutes : Intro to Sex & Disability (NEW) Learn the basics of disability, including the social model Reflect on preconceived beliefs and misconceptions about disability Explore Spoon Theory and its implications in relationships Discuss bodily autonomy, consent, and self-determination Identify sexual accommodations and adaptive tools Gain knowledge about the accessibility features of sex toys and other access tools 90 Minutes PLEASURE Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Introduce the concept of sexual empowerment and pleasure Anatomical exploration of pleasure organs Explore sexual pleasure as a full body experience that includes all senses De-stigmatizing Sex and empowering personal autonomy Overview and preview of basic pleasure enhancing toys 90 Minutes LGBTQIA+ Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Introduction to identity and explore the nuances of assuming identity Understanding personal gender identity and societal constructions of gender Explore the embodied experience of Coming Out and reduce expectations and pressure pertaining to the experience of “Coming Out" 1-2 Hours SEX JEOPARDY Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Classic jeopardy game with a fun and sexy twist- Fun for all groups Get quizzed on interesting and informative questions on sexual health, identity, expression, pleasure, and sex! ADVANCED SEX JEOPARDY 90 Minutes Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Take on the challenge as a first-time Sex Jeopardy player or level up with new questions Get quizzed on interesting and informative questions on human sexuality including sexual health, identity, history, birth control, HIV/AIDS, Kink, and health care. 90 Minutes GREEK LIFE Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Define and discuss consent in various contexts Introduce the topic of intimate relationships, boundaries, preferences, and personal identity Discussion of sexual implications of norms and actions in the campus community and Greek community that do not emphasize consent to challenge rape culture Discussing bystander intervention tactics as well as sexual violence reporting resources SEXABILITY 90 Minutes : Adv. Sex & Disability (NEW) Understand the importance of accessible sex education and existing barriers Discuss communication for relationships and intimacy with a focus on disabled individuals Identify sexual accommodations and adaptive tools Gain knowledge about the accessibility features of sex toys and other access tools Explore bodily autonomy, addressing the disproportionate amount of sexual violence faced by disabled individuals BIRTH CONTROL, AUTONOMY, & JUSTICE 90 Minutes Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Explore various Birth Control Options, Visuals, and Efficacy Facilitate Discussion of various impacts of diverse contraceptive methods Focus on autonomy of choice, communication, and accessibility in relation to reproductive health Identify differences and values among Birth Justice and Reproductive Justice HIV BOOTCAMP 90 Minutes Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Walkthrough of biological and physiological mechanisms Treatment options including Pre-exposure, Post-exposure Explore the harm and history of stigma surrounding HIV & AIDS Differentiate between HIV & AIDS Discussion of HIV+ status and supporting community members who are positive. 90 Minutes HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Explore personal identity and asserting personal boundaries Explore different types of relationships and relationship abuse Practice healthy communication tips & techniques Facilitate Conversations on dating/sexual/domestic violence Recognize Different Forms of Abuse Evaluate and reflect on the different kinds of love languages KINK 90 Minutes Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices A Sex-Positive Approach to understanding informed, safe, consensual, kink Overview of sexuality and eroticism Explore and impliment different consent models Discussion of fetishes Explore safety, pleasure, and communication for engaging in KINK & BDSM SEX & HEALING 90 Minutes Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Introduce what sexual healing is, how trauma affects ones sex life, the different ways to heal from sexual wounds Facilitate space and implement tools for practicing Mindfulness Techniques Understanding and communicating sexual pain and discomfort Practice Advocating for Self and Seeking Help From Healthcare Providers Learn about prevention and alleviation practices against bodily trauma during sexual acts Communicating sexual pain with our partners MASTURBATION 90 Minutes Proper usage of barrier methods and safer sex practices Dispel common myths and shame surrounding masturbation Explore masturbation techniques and types of sex toys and their possible uses Explore how pornography can inform experiences with masturbation, sex, and intimacy Normalize self-stimulation and encourage pleasure-seeking activities
- Get Involved | Sex Out Loud | Madison
Gain first hand experience in making our programing, Hold office hours, table, and build friendships across campus! GET INVOLVED Help us to distribute condoms and other safer sex supplies throughout dorms and campus housing! Click for More Condom Conduit Click for More Click for More Click for More Volunteer First-hand experience Holding office hours, tabling, and building friendships across campus! Click for More Employment Sex Out Loud will be hiring for spring semester soon! Check back here for more info. Check out our employment page! Email for more!
- Employment |
We Hire every semester! Join our team, providing university students with comprehensive, accessible, and pleasure-based sexuality education. EMPLOYMENT Sex Out Loud maintains hiring periods during both the Fall and Spring semesters. Any UW-Madison student is eligible to apply! Check here for updates on our hiring cycles. We strongly encourage LGBTQ+ persons, people of color, and self-identifying men to apply! POSITIONS PROGRAM FACILITATOR Hours: 10/week Wages: $15/hour The Program Facilitators facilitate the free, fun, interactive, and educational programs (workshops) provided by Sex Out Loud. Program Facilitators travel to dormitories, sororities, fraternities, places of work, places of residence, social gatherings, or other organizations to educate campus and community members on the topics of safer sex, relationships, pleasure, kink, birth control, STIs, HIV/AIDS, LGBTQ health, and any other specialty sexual health topics that may be requested. Program Facilitators are expected to be up-to-date on sexual health information through continuing education and training; successfully create and maintain safe spaces to discuss issues of sexuality; and be prepared to answer any sexual health questions accurately to the best of their ability. Program Facilitators are also required to participate in program development and updating current programs. FINANCIAL COORDINATOR Hours: 18/week Wages: $15/hour The Sex Out Loud Financial Coordinator handles all of the finances of this student organization. Duties include: creating and updating the Sex Out Loud budget; creating and delivering budget proposals in front of SSFC; overseeing all purchases; paying all Sex Out Loud bills and invoices; overseeing staff payroll; attending mandatory SSFC and ASM finance meetings; meeting all SSFC, GSSF, and ASM deadlines by completing and delivering any required forms and paperwork. This position is directly responsible for handing the SSFC paperwork as well as biweekly payroll and purchasing supplies. EVENT COORDINATOR Hours: 16/week Wages: $15/hour The Sex Out Loud Events Coordinator plans and implements four major events per year: Condoms and Candy in October, National HIV & Aids Awareness, National Condom Week in February, and Sexual Health Week in April. The Event Coordinator designs activities, invites speakers, plans workshops, and gets access to venues for the events. They are also responsible for designing activities, inviting speakers, planning workshops (event activities), and gaining access to venues for the events. The Event Coordinator is encouraged to use creativity and innovation to expand on past events and collaborate with other student and community groups. This position is responsible for creating events and promoting Sex Out Loud programming to the university enabling students to decide if they wish to utilize Sex Out Loud programming. MARKETING & OUTREACH COORDINATOR Hours: 16/week Wages: $15/hour The marketing and outreach coordinator will be responsible for meeting and networking with the larger campus and city communities to promote Sex Out Loud programming as well as other collaborations.The marketing and outreach coordinator is expected to create flyers and marketing materials to promote Sex Out Loud.The marketing and outreach coordinator is expected to keep the staff current about past, present, and future outreach events. Finally, the marketing and outreach coordinator is expected to maintain the official Sex Out Loud website and all social media platforms. ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR Hours: 16/week Wages: $15/hour The Sex Out Loud Engagement Coordinator networks with the larger campus and city communities to promote Sex Out Loud programming as well as other collaborations. Their job is to maintain a large presence on campus. This includes promoting Sex Out Loud; maintaining contacts with other student organizations and university branches to collaborate in programming and events; setting up regular ‘tabling sessions’ whenever relevant; and running the volunteer program. CHAIR - PROGRAM COORDINATOR Apply Now Hours: 20/week Wages: $15/hour The Chair of the Organization is responsible for providing the staff fall and spring training. The chair is expected to provide the staff with other opportunities for ongoing learning and professional development.The chair will also make every effort to provide high quality programming to the wider student and campus community. The chair is responsible for scheduling and booking all programs in a timely and professional manner in addition to helping create new or specialized programming. The chair is responsible for supervising and evaluating the program facilitators. Additionally, the chair is required to fill out RSO Registration documents and GSSF eligibility criteria paperwork on an annual basis.
- Community Resources | Sex Out Loud | UW Madison
Resources available in and around the Madison area. RESOURCES Dane County Rape Crisis Center "RCC advocates for those harmed by sexual violence by centering survivors, promoting societal change, and committing to be an evolving force for social equity." P.A.V.E UW Madison "Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment (PAVE-UW) is a student organization dedicated to preventing sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking through education and activism." UNIDOS Wisconsin GSCC "The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center provides education, outreach, advocacy, and resources for UW-Madison student communities and their allies to improve campus climate and their daily intersectional experiences." Vivent health "People living with HIV are at the center of everything we do at Vivent Health. That’s why our expert medical treatment and care is second-to-none. We operate the nation’s premier HIV Medical Home, bringing together an expert team of outstanding, compassionate physicians and nurses who are dedicated to patient care." "UNIDOS brinda servicios, programación y apoyo a aquellas personas afectadas por el abuso doméstico o sexual en el condado de Dane y sus alrededores. Los servicios son gratuitos, confidenciales y están disponibles independientemente de la edad, sexo, raza, orientación sexual o discapacidad."
- Condom Conduit |
Help Sex Out Loud distribute condoms and other safer sex supplies throughout dorms, campus housing, classes, and other facilities. Promote Safer Sex BECOME A CONDOM CONDUIT Help Sex Out Loud distribute condoms and other safer sex supplies throughout dorms, campus housing, classes, and other facilities. REQUIREMENTS Attend 1 Volunteer/Training Orientation Afterward, you will email the Engagement Coordinator with your Full Name and Details of Who/Where you are supplying your safer sex supplies to (and notify them of any changes) the Attend Monthly Check-In with engagement coordinator Distribute Safer Sex Supplies to Campus, Condom Conduits will be provided training and supplies to distribute across the campus following the completion of training. Email for more information on ways you can get involved. Mail
- About | Sex Out Loud | Madison
Sex Out Loud's mission is to promote healthy sexuality through sex-positive education and activism. We acknowledge that each individual's sexuality is uniquely shaped by all facets of identity and experience. We seek to empower students to engage with these issues. OUR MISSION & VALUES Sex Out Loud's mission is to promote healthy sexuality through sex-positive education and activism. We acknowledge that each individual's sexuality is uniquely shaped by all facets of identity and experience. We seek to empower all students by providing inclusive and accessible programs, events, and resources, and by creating safe space where students can freely discuss these issues. Stigma reduction | Peer-to-peer | Pleasure-inclusive Consent culture | Inclusivity & Safer Spaces Get Involved Information OUR OFFICE Address 333 East Campus Mall Suite 3143 Madison, WI Contact 608-890-2138 Hours Mon - Fri 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Ask Us A Question 333 East Campus Mall Suite 3143 Our office is a safe and inclusive space where you can find our trained staff who are always excited to answer your questions! We offer free and confidential peer to peer counseling, a stocked library, board games, free safer sex supplies (including condoms, lube, sex dams, gloves, and more) and, of course, a giant penis piñata!
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- Staff | Sex Out Loud | Madison
OUR STAFF Rory (She/Her) Chair/Program Coordinator Hey! I’m Rory I’m double majoring in Spanish and Communication Sciences. I am passionate about equal access to comprehensive sex education, as well as sex positivity. In my free time I love taking long walks, listening to Crime Junkie Podcast, and brewing my own kombucha! Vivian (She/her) Financial Coordinator Hi! My name is Vivian (she/her) and I'm in-training for Financial Coordinator at Sex Out Loud. I am a Sophomore studying Molecular and Cell Biology and Data Science. I love to learn about sex, relationships, and how we talk about these topics. I am especially passionate about sociolinguistics and endocrinology and how it interacts with our sexual behaviors! In my free time, I like to spend time with friends, cook, and work on whatever little project I am up to at the time! Bella (Any Pronouns ) Program Facilitator Hi! My name is Bella. I am a junior studying Gender and Women’s Studies. I am passionate about queer studies and reproductive justice. In my coursework I love looking at the ways gender and queerness intersect with reproductive and birth justice. I am also interested in building sexual education that is more queer and disability inclusive. Outside of school, I spend a lot of time with my cat, a tortoise shell named Brooklyn. I enjoy anything outdoors and have big dreams of a garden someday (for now I make do with my house plants). AJ (They/Them) Program Facilitator Hello! My name’s AJ and I go by they/them pronouns! I am a neurodivergent nonbinary lesbian who is studying Wildlife Ecology and working towards getting certificates in photography and environmental studies. This will be my first semester as a program facilitator and I am super excited to explore all things sexual health and learn more about things like Pleasure Activism, PMDD, and the intersectionality of sexual identities and disability. Outside of Sex Out Loud, I enjoy paddle boarding, cosplaying, going to anime conventions, and listening to music. My favorite artist is Will Wood and my current special interest is Jujutsu Kaisen! Soph (She/Her) Program Facilitator Hi! My name is Sophia Koo and my pronouns are she/her. I am a newly hired Program Facilitator at Sex Out Loud. I am a Freshman majoring in Neurobiology and Graphic Design. I am interested in exploring the constructs of healthy relationships and communication beyond heteronormative dynamics, the history of intimacy, body image, self-worth, self-love, and ethical porn. In my free time, I can be found sketching or playing my guitar. Zora (She/Her) Event Coordinator Hi! My name is Zora Johnson, and I am an Event Coordinator for Sex Out Loud. I am pursuing a major in Legal Studies and a certificate in Public Policy here at UW – Madison. My passions lie in sexual health education, sexual health advocacy, and reproductive health policy reform, and I look forward to integrating these passions into my work at Sex Out Loud. Outside of my professional and educational pursuits, I love playing Minecraft, scrapbooking, watching trashy reality television, and hanging out with my two cats, Majesty and Persephone. Izzy (She/They) Program Facilitator Hello Hello! I’m Izzy, and my pronouns are she/they. I'm currently entering my junior year and am double majoring in Psychology, and Neurobiology, plus working towards certificates in Physics, and Mathematics. I'm very passionate about sex positivity, pleasure, and creating informative sex education that’s more queer and disability inclusive. I’m beyond excited and thankful for the opportunity to grow and educate through my role at Sex Out Loud. Outside of SOL, you can find me at the gym, painting, listening to music(ask me my fav song and tell me yours), or visiting fellow campus organizations! Maddie (She/Her) Program Facilitator My name is Maddie! My pronouns are She/Her and I am currently a freshman at UW. My major is undeclared but I love reproductive justice, fashion, cute jewelry, music, and dogs. Be sure to give thrift store recommendations! Evan (He/Him ) Program Facilitator Hello everyone, my name is Evan (he/him) and I am currently a freshman hoping to major in something in the STEM field! I am from Stoughton, Wisconsin, just 30 minutes from here. I am very excited to be a part of such an amazing organization. I am very passionate about PrEP education as well as sex positivity. In my free time, I love spending time with friends, listening to music, and going and trying new coffee shops. Zoë (She/Her) Program Facilitator Hi! My name is Zoë and I'm a Program Facilitator at Sex Out Loud. I am a Junior studying Human Development and Family Studies. I am interested in all things having to do with relationships, sex, love, and therapy. I hope to be a couple's counselor one day :) I am passionate about sexual education and sex positivity, so I am super excited to uphold Sex Out Loud's mission. In my free time, I like to write music, create art, and go to the beach! Nicole (She/Her) Engagement Coordinator Hi! I'm Nicole :) I’m double majoring in Biochemistry and Life Sciences Communication. I care about reproductive justice, body positivity, & comprehensive sex ed. Outside of Sex Out Loud I love playing video games in my spare time and cooking and baking to share with my friends! River (He /She/They) Outreach & Marketing Coordinator I’m an Autistic artist and advocate, currently pursuing dual degrees in Art and Rehabilitation Psychology, along with a Certificate in Social Justice and Education. Born and raised in Milwaukee, I'm deeply committed to improving access to sex education in Wisconsin, especially for marginalized communities. I’m particularly interested in the overlap of sexuality and disability, exploring how these identities intersect and how to empower individuals. The intersection of sexual health education, disability advocacy, and social justice drives my work. I'm incredibly thankful for the opportunity to contribute to this mission through my role at Sex Out Loud. When I'm not at Sex Out Loud, you can find me exploring history, mythology, or listening to audiobooks in the studio. Hayden (He/ Him ) Program Facilitator My name's Hayden Bailey and I'm a Program Facilitator at Sex Out Loud. I'm a Sophomore double majoring in Journalism and Strategic Communications. My hobbies include hunting, hiking and exploring vibey music (I enjoy suggestions). I'm interested in furthering my own sexual education at Sex Out Loud by teaching others. Specifically, I hope to make a difference through informing Greek clubs about safe sex practices and consent. My topics of interest include masturbation and sexual expression. Katie (She/Her) Program Facilitator Hi! My name is Katie Drinan (she/her) and I'm a Program Facilitator at Sex Out Loud. I'm a junior and I'm double majoring in Psychology and Philosophy. I'm passionate about pleasure as well as open, educational discourse involving sex and pleasure, but I'm excited to fine tune my interests and goals while working with SOL! Some things I love to do are sewing little crafts, watching super old musicals, and going for runs and walks. Continuing Ed is a set of projects that staff and volunteer members can work on throughout the semester to improve their sex education knowledge as well as inform their peers. Examples of Continuing Ed projects include: Zines, pamphlets, presentations, or new programs. These projects can cover a wide variety of topics like Menstruation, PreP, LGBTQ+, and so many more! Continuing Ed What is it and who is involved? Mia Warren I am developing a program focused on educating emerging adults on ethical porn and porn literacy. My goal is to inform folks about how and where to consume ethical porn, evaluate harms present in mainstream pornography, and engage in media literacy strategies to become more informed consumers. I am also working on a Sex Work information pamphlet exploring the legalities behind Sex Work on a Global Scale.
- Sexual Health Information | Sex Out Loud | Madison
Providing university students with comprehensive, accessible, and pleasure-based sexuality education since 1998. QUICK LINKS Sexual Health Pamphlets SOL News Letter Archive Approved Brands Pregnancy Lubrication Library Inventory Podcast STI's Barrier Methods Birth Control
- Birth Control | Sex Out Loud
Birth control, also known as contraception, is a safer sex tool that prevents pregnancy through either hormonal or non-hormonal methods. Find out more information on what types are available, and where we can access them. What is Birth Control? Birth control, also known as contraception, is a safer sex tool that prevents pregnancy through either hormonal or non-hormonal methods. Scroll below to find more information on what types are available, and where we can access them. ORAL CONTRACEPTION Also known as "the pill," the oral contraceptive pill comes in two different versions, as listed below. By taking the pill around the same time every day, it prevents pregnancy by elevating hormone levels so eggs aren't released during the time someone could be ovulating. Some pills also thicken the cervical mucus to create a more physical barrier to potential fertilization. Pros: potential to experience lighter, less painful, more regular periods, reduced acne easy to use, easy to control dosage Cons: have to remember to take it around the same time every day potential to experience sore breasts, change in sex drive, nausea, and depression EFFECTIVENESS: 99% with perfect use 91% with typical use COST: Without insurance: $10-113 /monthly With insurance: free under most plans Combination pill: estrogen/progestin combo 3 weeks of active pills, 1 week placebo which will allow for a monthly period Progestin only pill: also known as the mini pill, only contains progestin continuous active pills for a full menstrual cycle EFFECTIVENESS: 99% with perfect use 94% with typical use COST: Without insurance: $50- 120/monthly With insurance: free under most plans THE DEPO-PROVERA SHOT The shot is exactly what it sounds like. One shot covers your birth control for three months, after which we need to go in to get another dose. The shot contains progestin only, which prevents the ovaries from releasing eggs. It also thickens the cervical mucus to create a physical barrier between sperm and egg. Pros: private -- no tell tale signs or evidence of taking birth control potential to experience shorter or lighter period only need to worry about it every 3 months safe to take while breastfeeding Cons: must rely on a health care provider to administer contraception potential to experience irregular bleeding and weight gain no way to reverse the side effects of getting the shot until it wears off THE RING Also known by the brand name NuvaRing, this hormonal contraceptive method is a small bendy ring that works by slowly releasing hormones that prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs. It is placed inside of the vagina and left for three weeks, then taken out for a week. Pros: relatively little work to use, only have to remember to put it in and take it out once each month uses lower amounts of localized hormones Cons: have to be super comfortable with your body potential to experience sore breasts, spotting between periods, and change in sex drive EFFECTIVENESS: 99% with perfect use 91% with typical use COST: Without insurance: $10-113/monthly With insurance: free under most plans THE PATCH Just less than two inches long, the patch is a beige plastic sticker that can be stuck onto any part of the body (except by the breasts if we have them). It releases hormones which prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs, and thickens the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching an egg in the first place. One patch has enough hormones for an entire week until we have to switch it out for a new one. The week we choose not to wear a patch is likely the week we might get a period. EFFECTIVENESS: 99% with perfect use 91% with typical use COST: Without insurance: $30-44 /per patch With insurance: free under most plans Pros: easy to use, like using a bandaid only have to remember to switch it out once every 7 days potential to experience lighter, more regular periods Cons: only comes in one skin tone (beige) potential to experience irritation where the patch sits on the skin potential to experience change in sex drive less effective for bodies over 198 lbs THE IMPLANT Placed in a category called long acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), the implant is a small rod that gets placed in the upper arm. It slowly releases progestin, which prevents the ovaries from releasing eggs and thickens the cervical mucus. It can prevent pregnancy for up to four years, and they are currently running clinical trials to test for protection up to five years! Pros: only have to think about it every 4 years safe for those who smoke cigarettes, breastfeeding people, and people who cannot take estrogen may improve symptoms from endometriosis Cons: potential to experience initial irregular bleeding potential to experience change in sex drive, scarring from implantation, ovarian cysts EFFECTIVENESS: 99% with perfect use 91% with typical use COST: Without insurance: full cost of $450-$848 With insurance: free under most plans THE IUD Intrauterine devices (IUDs) come in non-hormonal and hormonal versions, which are explained below. They act as a physical barrier to preventing pregnancy, while also affecting the way sperm swim, thus greatly reducing the chance of impregnation. They offer up from 3-12 years of protection against pregnancy, but have to be inserted by a professional healthcare provider. EFFECTIVENESS: 99% with perfect use 91% with typical use COST: Without insurance: $ With insurance: free under most plans HORMONAL IUD: made of plastic release small amounts of progestin over time to thicken cervical mucus and prevent impregnation 4 different types available: Mirena, Skyla, Liletta, and Kyleena prevents pregnancy for 3-6 years (depending on type) NON-HORMONAL IUD: made of plastic with copper coil